czwartek, 11 kwietnia 2013

& merche+marion

I promised to write about m-m here it is! Theirs name is from first letter of Merche (architect) and Marion (graphic designer). Because of the subject of my blog I will focus on this second one. Simplicity of graphic design didn't surprise me (seeing Happy Pills design I expected more nice things in theirs portfolio - and they rather not disappoint me). Despite simplicity there is a part of good sense of humor. If u clique on names below photographs u may read more about concrete design.

& cynismo ilustrado

Now let's be less serious :). Sometimes a huge world of graphic design, which consisted of so many things, not only technical, really scares me. How to explore it? Why I wrote "less serious"? With too many thoughts and fears in our heads, sometimes the best thing to do is to relax (we love it, don't we?). We can relax still with graphic design...for example website I find it by accident. As usual I was looking for something, and in the meantime I found interesting and non-expected things. I'm so lucky, yeah!
Me, I'm not good in cynicism (too stupid, hmm ;p?). But I admire people who can do that. Most of them must have good quality of to not like it? Site cynismoilustrado seems to be very popular. Wrong word. It's popular! More than 420 thousands of facebook fans...that is enough good reason. Unfortunately a lot of cynicism illustration are in Spanish, but theirs visually could be still very clear and understandable.

Btw: Finally I finished reading David Airey's "Logo Design Love: A guide to Creating Iconic Brand Identities". Last pages were very precious for me. I found there basics, which I was looking for. Basic is basic - it's so important for me! So in next posts I will introduce u iconic graphic designers :D

czwartek, 4 kwietnia 2013

& Happy Pills

Where we should look for recipe of happiness? Happy Pills, candy brand, seems to have one! How they heal us from our problems? Happy Pills starts from great, interactive application at theirs site. At the begin we choose what kind of problem we have (Lovesickness, Work problems, Friendships damaged, Sustained sexual effort). Then, with Happy Pills's help, we can destroy it, to feel better. We can do this by using paper shredder, a tenis racket, jet aircraft or...check it on your own! It's really great way of selling something. A lot of brands start from informing potential customer what he could buy from them. Happy Pills started from healing us, and by this way they make us belive that our health (even just mental) is the most important thing for them...great job! Last thing we can do now, is to buy some candy pills...check out how it looks.

Brand identity made by m-m - I'll write about them soon :)

poniedziałek, 1 kwietnia 2013

& Studio h

I really love simplicity...or mayby saying it better...I really admire things which have right balance between simplicity and complexity. Work of Studio h remind me something like this. Visit theirs site if u appreciate the same.